
What I Have Learned 

I feel as though I have grown so much over the past few months. I have learned a lot about what I would love to have in my classroom, while also being able to reflect on things that don't match my personal teaching philosophy. I have really been able to sit back and understand that things are not always going to be perfect, and it is not the end of the world when mistakes are made. I find myself being a much more flexible and overall understanding person coming out of my student teaching experience. I have had the opportunity to see one student in particular make leaps and bounds socially and emotionally, while also see another be a rock star and grow so much as a reader over the course of two months. These moments are priceless and are a true reminder of why I went into education in the first place. 

Halloween 2019

Teaching math centers, which was a true struggle for me when starting out.
Learning to keep pushing through, learn from mistakes, and ask question helped  me to gain
confidence and excitement in this area. 

One of my students who wrote his persuasive speech about me.
"Why You Should Appreciate Miss Constable" 

Jiffy Factory Field Trip! 

I was much more excited about free muffin mix than he was. 

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