What I Find Important in Education

My Teaching Top 5

Below I have a list of things that I felt strongly about going into student teaching, and feel even more sure of now that student teaching is coming to an end. At the end of the day, my goal as a future educator is to provide a safe and engaging space for my students to learn. Happy and healthy students will always succeed more academically and socially. I want my students to know that they are part of our family when they walk through my doors. 

1. Having a strong and effective behavior management system from day one. 
2. Taking time out each day to build classroom community. 
3. Setting clear and direct expectations for students and holding students to those expectations. 
4. Allowing for mistakes and teaching we grow from our mistakes. 
5. Being "ok" with laughing at yourself.  

Image result for mistake helps us growImage result for growth mindset quotesImage result for they won't remember what you said

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